2nd D365 Release now available
CAPcargo has published the CTP2 Release (community technical preview) as scheduled on September 8, 2017. This release is based on the latest available version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations enterprise edition, July 2017 release, Platform Update 9. This releases is containing mainly form redesigns and a few minor fixes which have been detected during our internal testing cycles.
The CAPcargo D365 release has landed
A big milestone on the way to the CAPcargo application availability based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations: CAPcargo has released the CommunityTechnicalPreview release (CTP 1) last Friday. […]
Silence about Dynamics D365?
We often hear the question: “When will the CAPcargo application be available for running on Microsoft Dynamics 365?” The good news: very soon! A quick look back; in the summer of 2016, CAPcargo migrated the TransportManagementSystem to the, at the time called, The New Microsoft Dynamics AX platform. At that moment, as probably most of all ISV partners, we were faced by massive technical challenges and had to accept many technical compromises in order to make the application running. [...]
«Inspire» der grösste Microsoft Event des Jahres wird immer imposanter
Letztes Jahr hatten rund 15’000 Menschen aus der ganzen Welt an der Worldwide Partner Conference (kurz WPC) teilgenommen und dieses Jahr werden es sogar noch mehr sein. Microsoft rechnet mit mehr als 16’000 Teilnehmern. […]
Skopje – not only a good place for software development
Since 1 ½ years CAPcargo is operating its own development center in the capital of Macedonia, in Skopje. The Macedonian team is growing and a good opportunity to have for once a team week in this country in the southeast of Europe. The Swiss crew has been flown into Skopje in May 2017. An entire catalogue of technical and functional sessions and trainings was organized. An inspiring moment to see how close the two teams can work together and build up knowledge. [...]
GPB 1.4 release is now available
Mehr als 7 Monate hat das GPB-Team an der neuesten Version gearbeitet. Während in der Vergangenheit der Fokus auf neuen Features lag, war es diesmal anders. Erste Kundenfeedbacks wurden berücksichtigt und bestehende Prozesse abgerundet. Um die Performance zu verbessern, wurden Hintergrundprozesse eingeführt. Dies hilft, aufwändige Prozesse im Hintergrund zu verarbeiten, damit der Benutzer ohne Einschränkungen weiterarbeiten kann. Neben der Hintergrundverarbeitung haben auch Caching und Web-Services zur Optimierung der Performance beigetragen. Ferner handelt es sich [...]