End of September it was time for the CAPcargo internal team gathering and training week. From eight different countries team members were travelling to Karpen, Albania.
Online meetings are nowadays the regular means of exchange, also at CAPcargo. This is great technology, but nothing is replacing a direct face to face exchange. Therefore, such coming togethers are super important. This year, at the coast of Albania. Climate change is not only having an impact on global logistics, the team has tried to abstain from flight travel to Albania as far as possible. So the Swiss team was travelling by train and ferry via Bari and Durrës to Karpen. A long ride, but also a good time for exchange and just having time together.
Getting to know each other better was one of the top priorities, but also having time for learning and cross-team exchanges was requested. Working on common goals in a different atmosphere helped to improve in many areas.
Karpen was definitely a good experience. Inspired (and a bit tired) it was time Thursday afternoon to travel back home.