TopicTitle & DetailsRelease MonthTask typeADO ID
New parameter "Restriction Mode" added to main parameters, to better manage the driving time & distance calculation

A new parameter was introduced in Transport parameters/Geo services, called "Restriction Mode", with three possible values: None, Automatic and Custom.
These parameters basically influence the way in which the route calculation should be restricted to a 'bounding box' as determined by route locations.
For value None, there is no geographical restriction imposed.
For value Automatic, geographical restrictions ('bounding box') are automatically calculated from route locations to restrict the search space for best solution.
For value Custom, a customized 'bounding box' has to be defined which would restrict such a search space.

The functionality implemented via this task is only related to values None and Automatic.

This parameter influences the distance and time calculation.

2023-04New feature93906
Deprecate tour sequence optimization dialog parameter 'Use legacy logic'

Tour sequence optimization 'Legacy logic' was deprecated, hence also the 'Use legacy logic' parameter (in the sequence optimization dialog) has been removed.

2023-04New feature94864
Dispatching and confirmation
GBP enhancement of the dynamic header title of the gantt tour bar

In GPB gantt screens, in the dynamic header title of gantt tour bar, following enhancements were introduced:
- When the gantt tour bar header title is parameterized to show sequence of cities of all tour stops, but the header space is not sufficient (eg. too short tour), newly at least first few cities are displayed (ended by "..." string, to signify that the city sequence cannot be fully shown). For comparison - previously no cities were shown if they all could not fit into header space.
- Cities are not anymore duplicated in case there is some driving break tour stop on the tour.

2023-04New feature94702
Dispatching and confirmationIn case multiple address areas are defined for the orders of a tour stop, then all address area descriptions are newly shown when the user hovers over the icon (previously only the first one was shown)2023-04New feature94403
Dispatching and confirmationPossibility to filter tours via multiple tour statuses (dedicated tour status filter in GPB gantt screens now allows to select multiple tour statuses)2023-04New feature94236
Dispatching and confirmationChange rough plan date' functionality can now be used also for multiple selected transport legs (previously could be used only for single transport legs)2023-04New feature94135
Changing the way of GPB map opening from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Previously, when opening GPB map from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, the map was being launched in the background and was presented to user only when all transport legs were visualized on the map. The delay of map opening screen could get significant, especially when being opened for many transport legs. Users were getting confused and were attempted to launch map again.
Thus, the map opening mechanism was improved, the map screen is loaded directly without delay and the transport legs are being pushed to the map only afterwards, via background services. User is informed via "Loading data" spinning wheel, to be informed when all transport legs are visualized on the map.

2023-04New feature94105
Dispatching and confirmation
Re-introducing feature 'Remove depot split' in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Via 'Remove depot split' button in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen it is now possible to remove (previously inserted) depot split from one or more transport legs.

2023-04New feature55454
Driver AppDriver app is newly available also in Danish translation2023-04New feature95007
Driver App
Possibility to take multiple pictures in the driver app

Previously, it was possible to take maximum of one picture in the driver app, per each instruction activity type of 'Picture'. This was enhance, now it is possible to take more pictures.

Key characteristics:
- Picture must be taken by camera, ie. no possibility to add existing pictures from the gallery
- When more pictures are taken, these are stored in D365 as attachments

2023-04New feature94499
Shipment Builder
Shipment builder redesign / 'Direct delivery' - Phase 1.1 (unofficially released)

The shipment builder (bridge between D365 trade orders and CAP transport order) is being redesigned in several phases. In R33, the 2nd phase is included which contains enhancements in the 'direct delivery area'. It is still not yet officially released/supported.
It's linked to a license configuration key which is not allowed to activate in productive environments. CAPcargo rejects all responsibility for using it in production.

2023-04New feature94036
Shipment Builder
Shipment builder redesign / 'Box calculation' - Phase 1.1 (unofficially released)

The shipment builder (bridge between D365 trade orders and CAP transport order) is being redesigned in several phases. In R33, the 2nd phase is included which contains enhancements and a new feature 'box calculation' (pre-calculation how many transport units most likely will be used). It is still not yet officially released/supported.
It's linked to a license configuration key which is not allowed to activate in productive environments. CAPcargo rejects all responsibility for using it in production.

2023-04New feature93898
Dispatching and confirmationWork instruction templates (on the transport address) can be now defined per transport type (table/group/all)2023-04New feature94679
Dispatching and confirmation
Recalculation of tour activities is newly happening also after lowering the quantity on transport order line

Automatic recalculation of tour activity duration was previously happening only when raising the quantity on the transport order line, whereas the lowering of the quantity on the transport order did not trigger such activity recalculation. The reason for such different handling was to follow rather a cautious approach - as the true reason for quantity change (and impact on tour activities) is not known, it would be acceptable to pessimistically overestimate, while the automatic optimistic underestimate should be rather avoided.

But such discrepancy turned to be quite confusing for dispatchers and was therefore unified. Newly, the raise and the lowering of the quantity on the transport order line have both the same impact - the tour activity duration is recalculated automatically.

2023-04New feature87498
Dispatching and confirmation
GUI improvement of the work instruction form

Removal of several fields from work instruction form (as the fields were rather technical, not relevant for the end user). Also the work instruction fields were organized (to avoid duplicities, grouping of similar fields into same field group/section etc.)

2023-04New feature86605
Dispatching and confirmation
Introducing an automatic deletion of tour stop, when it doesn't anymore contain any transport order (for loading or unloading)

In various processes (both in transportation and/or in trade order management), many actions can lead to situation where transport order is removed from the tour stop. And in case of last transport order being removed from tour stop, it would previously lead to having an empty tour stop, which situation was confusing for dispatchers. Therefore a new mechanism was introduced, to automatically delete 'to be empty' tour stop after last order is being removed from it.

Following actions are triggering the auto-deletion of empty tour stops:
- 'Delete order from dispatching' - menuitem on transport order
- 'Change load/unload address' - menuitems on transport order (where 'Remove transport leg from tour' checkbox can be activated in the dialog)
- 'Change load/unload date/times' - menuitems on transport order (where 'Remove transport leg from tour' checkbox can be activated in the dialog)
- 'Remove from transportation' - menuitems on trade order lines
- 'Delete shipments' - menuitem on trade order
- 'Remove from shipment' - menuitem on shipment builder shipments, to remove shipment lots from shipment
- 'Delete' - menuitem on shipment builder shipments

2023-04New feature79254
Other / General
Data migration task - to populate blank 'Stackability' characteristics on previously existing transport units (that are assigned to some transport type)

Data migration task for 91975 (released in CAP 10.0-CAP30.0)

Data migration task populates 'Stackability = Not defined" characteristics on previously existing transport units (that are assigned to some transport type). All such transport units (with 'Stackability = empty') will become 'Stackability = Not defined', in all legal entities.

2023-04Data conversion95109
Other / General
Data migration task for vehicle qualifications

Data migration task for 94170.

Data migration task removes duplicate records in vehicle qualifications.

2023-04Data conversion94556
Master dataMulti-select geocoding of failed 'one-time' addresses previously didn't show infologs (successful/failed) when transport parameter "Use geocoding score" was activated2023-04Bug94090
Master dataChange of start/end address on default tour template was previously possible only via address lookups (the change via "Other address" or "+Add" buttons was not possible)2023-04Bug94062
Dispatching and confirmation"Do not show this dialog again" option on 'Release for departure' dialog was not working properly (the dialog was supressed in next releases for departure, but tours were not being released)2023-04Bug94857
Dispatching and confirmationNo possibility to specify activity duration, when new activity was manually added in the GPB2023-04Bug94818
Dispatching and confirmationNo transport legs were sometimes filtered in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen when multiple criteria were selected in the 'Shipment builder area' filter2023-04Bug94812
Dispatching and confirmation
Address opening hours were previously sometimes not shown in GPB screens

Address opening hours were previously sometimes not shown in the following places, even when they were defined.

In GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen:
- in the 'Loading/Unloading' section (bottom side panel with details of transport leg)

In GPB gantt screens:
- in the 'Address' section (bottom side panel with details of tour stop)
- in the 'hover the mouse over' tooltip of the tour stop, where other tour stop are shown

Truck loading AppTruck load app related tour status icon 'Vehicle loading in progress' was previously not shown in GPB gantt screens (in tour overview), when underlying transport leg had no packages2023-04Bug94085
Geo-servicesWhile having a map screen opened, selecting a tour stop in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen previously did not highlight the tour stop on the map2023-04Bug92873
Driver App
"Checking goods (unload)" activity was sometimes wrongly positioned in Mobile app activities

"Checking goods (unload)" activity was sometimes wrongly positioned, having duplicate sequence number with another activity. This issue occurred mostly only together with some CUS extension code and under specific data constellation.

Driver App
Reason code for 'Confirm without barcode scan' was sometimes not saved in the package confirmation (in D365)

The issue was especially happening when 'One load/unload activity per transport order line' instruction activity rule was applied on the tour stop where barcode scanning was mandatory.

Driver App
'Loading [or unloading] handled by depot team' activity was sometimes missing in the driver app

The issue was happening especially when new order (that require a loading/unloading in the truck loading app) was added to the tour stop which was already previously submitted to driver app (and which didn't previously require handling in truck loading app). Issue was also happening when failed delivery case was registered on a tour that was originally ending in some depot.

Shipment Builder
Wrong shipment lot item quantity in the goods management form, when quantity split was performed on the transport leg

Previously, shipment lot item quantity in the goods management form didn't reflect the quantity split of the transport leg, as whole original total quantity was still shown (even though the transport leg was already split). The issue was corrected and shipment lot item quantity (in goods management form) now reflects the quantity from transport legs.

Shipment BuilderSystem error "The iterator does not designate a valid element." when releasing to warehouse (when additional items are added to the work)2023-04Bug95093
Shipment BuilderShip remain' was previously interpreted incorrectly on the 'Deliver remainder' dialog for trade orders2023-04Bug95075
Shipment Builder
Introducing new validation for backward scheduling of transport orders (that were created from trade orders)

Previously, in backward scheduling trade case, it was possible to change load date (on the trade order), which could then cause scheduling issues on the transport order (backward) scheduling. Therefore a new validation was added, to prevent that load date change on the trade order would cause scheduling issue, in case the transport order is backward scheduled.

Please note:
- In order to have backward scheduling of transport order applied for trade order, the transport type parameter "Transport order controls/impacts rough planning" must be activated.

Shipment Builder
Shipment synchronization was previously sometimes not possible, when some (but not all) package loading was confirmed in mobile app

The issue was happening especially when trade order was transported in several packages and shipment synchronization was triggered before loading of all packages was confirmed. Then such shipment synchronization ends successfully, but any future synchronization (ie. after remaining packages are confirmed) was failing.
The issue was corrected and shipment synchronization is now performed only when loading of all packages is confirmed.

Dispatching and confirmationDetails of transfer order were previously not included in the loading/unloading list reports (when transfer order was created in different legal entity than the transport order)2023-04Bug94814
Master dataAdding a new 'Calendar per area' or new 'Means of transportation' was previously possible only for users with 'System administration' security role2023-04Bug95082
Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicate cleaning activities on the tour stops

Cleaning activities were sometimes suggested by the system although they have been already added previously. The issue happened especially when searching for cleaning type on tour stop which has cleaning activity on a predecessor tour stop in the same tour.

Dispatching and confirmation
Missing work instructions on the transport order, in cross-company trade cases

In a cross-company trade case (ie. when trade order is in different legal entity than transport order), the work instructions of trade order were previously not shown in the work instruction overview (when launched from transport order header). Issue had also negative effect on dispatching, as the information icons (to signify presence of work instructions) were not triggered/shown.

Customer order management and pricing
When determining tariff unit quantity via conversion (from planning quantity), system previously applied only conversion from first planning unit

When applying a conversion (from planning units into tariff unit), system previously applied only conversion from first planning unit. This was corrected, system now searches for available conversion also from other planning units (which is a needed mechanism to be able to cover so called "Density based" pricing models)

Customer order management and pricing
Newly added transport legs were sometimes assigned to tour stop in non-optimal way

After manually dropping a transport leg into tour, transport orders were previously sometimes wrongly assigned to the driver break tour stops.
The issue was happening when tour sequence optimization was performed (but even without it).
The issue has now been fixed.

IntegrationsImporting the same qualification but in different qualification type (Requested/Provided) was previously not possible, as import ended in error2023-04Bug94170
Dispatching and confirmation
Validation dialog (for closed address) in 'Change rough plan date' process, even though the address was specified without opening hours

When launching 'Change rough plan date' dispatching function for transport leg (which address has no opening hours defined), user was warned by decision making dialog that 'On the selected day the address XYZ is closed. Do you want to continue?'

The issue was happening because 'Change rough plan date' validation interpreted the 00:00-00:00 address opening hours as "never opened". The issue was corrected and 00:00-00:00 is now in 'Change rough plan date' validation interpreted as "always open" (thus producing no such info dialog).

Dispatching and confirmation
'Waiting time' tour activities were previously not reinitialized (from transport address) when tour stop address was changed

The issue was especially happening when tour start (or end) addresses were changed as a result of tour initialization mode ('From predecessor leg" / "To predecessor leg")

Dispatching and confirmationDeactivate sequence validation' parameter was previously not respected when creating (or updating) tour from route/zone (even when parameter was activated, the route/zone stop sequence was still validated)2023-04Bug90073
Previously, in certain specific constellation, it was possible to update transport order load/unload dates even though the order was already delivered

The issue was especially happening when updating an existing transport order via EDI. Then, if date update was allowed in the EDI settings, the load/unload dates on transport order could get updated even though the order was already delivered. The issue was solved by adding a new validation to EDI process, to avoid it.
