TopicTitle & DetailsRelease MonthTask typeADO ID
Customer invoicing
Invoice surcharge posted but not printed on invoice (SSRS)

Invoice surcharges were previously not shown on the transport invoice (TALCustInvoice).
Invoice surcharges are now also included in the standard SSRS report template for transport invoices.

Customer invoicing
Invoice surcharge posted but not printed on invoice (dataprovider)

1) Invoice surcharges are now included in the report dataprovider with an know marker so the report design can separate invoice surcharges from other surcharges. Field 'isInvoiceAddon' is added to the dataprovider.

2) The tax percentage was previously not displayed correctly and was always returning zero values for invoice surcharges. This has been fixed.

Customer invoicing
Wrong amounts for collective orders in invoice pool

In the invoice pool for collective orders the amount value was not correctly displayed. This issue has been fixed and now shows the amount correctly. Please note, this was only a display issue in the invoice pool, amounts were correctly posted and printed on invoices.

Customer invoicing
Several imperfections were corrected in the customer invoice SSRS report

Following issues were corrected:
- Surcharge 'Value' was sometimes printed in the invoice even when surcharge itself has zero calculated value
- Surcharge 'Amount' was sometimes printed in the invoice as zero, even when surcharge itself has value
- Surcharge 'Factor' field was sometimes printed as zero

Customer invoicing
Currency field in invoice pools is newly initialized from the accounting currency of the linked legal entity ledger

Previously, the currency was initialized as empty in invoice pools (and had to be manually selected).

2022-10New feature91241
Customer invoicingSelection of invoiceable orders is newly preserved in the TMS customer invoice pool, after issuing a pro-forma invoice2022-10New feature91472
Customer order management and pricingAdding 'Contact person' to 'Rule order collection' rules (as a soft criteria)2022-10New feature91235
Customer order management and pricingPreviously, the copy of transport order didn't include the activity requests, but only reported that 'Position must be specified'2022-10Bug91577
Customer order management and pricingUpdate of transport order (via EDI) was previously possible even when transport order was already invoiced2022-10Bug91099
Customer order management and pricing
Several enhancements of the qualification framework (and GUI)

Following enhancements were done:
- Form Qualifications transport unit (CAPcargo Transport > Setup > Transport type > tab Transport unit > Setup > Qualifications transport unit):
- Lookup for the Qualification ID now shows only qualifications which are valid for units (Flag Valid for [transport] units of the qualification is set to Yes)
- Form Qualifications transport order lines (CAPcargo Transport > Common > Transport Order Management > All transport orders > Line view > Transport order lines > Inquiries > Line qualifications)
- Lookup for the Qualification ID now shows only qualifications which are valid for transport orders (Flag Valid for transport orders of the qualification is set to Yes)
- For setup of Contract tariff surcharges/surcharge criteria = Qualification, this is newly triggered on tour only if vehicle itself provides/requests the qualification (and not the vehicle type to which the vehicle belongs)

2022-10New feature91687
Customer order management and pricing
Improvement of address change validation (when some sender delivery or received pickup is already registered for this address)

When changing an address (load or unload) of a transport order, in case there is a sender delivery or receiver pick-up leg, the address change should be blocked. Previously, the blocking mechanism was solved by disabling the menuitems for address change, which was not sufficient (as address change could be achieved also by other processes). Newly, the blocking mechanism was reworked, to cover also the address changes (that were not done via dedicated menuitems).

2022-10New feature91958
Customer order management and pricing
Possibility to copy loading/unloading date when copying a transport order

This feature provides the possibility for the user to choose (depending on setup in the Transport parameters form) whether values in the Load/Unload date fields including date range (Load/Unload date To) will be created based on the default values defined in the Transport Parameters form, or will be copied from the dialog that will be opened when function Copy order is called. This enables user to create transport order/s with Load/Unload dates and date ranges different than definition setup in the Transport parameters form.

2022-10New feature92044
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature Resource unavailability

New feature was added to the system, to allow setting resourceas “not available” for certain date/time duration. This is managed in new ‘Resourceunavailability’ journal form, together with specification of unavailability reason(ie. Reason code). Resource unavailability can be defined manually, orpopulated from D365 calendar. Once resource unavailability is set up, then ithas to be ‘posted’ (ie. activated), so it can be effectively reflected in theplanning. The ‘posting’ creates a resource assignment (of type ‘Unavailability’),which is stored in the same resource assignment table where all other resourcetour assignments are stored. Thus the unavailability becomes ‘effective’ and isthen reflected in the planning (and also in GPB). Resource unavailability thenbecomes visible in the GPB ‘Resource Dispatching’ screen (in different colorvisualization), so that dispatchers immediately know which resource is not availablein the given date(range) and why.

In case the ‘Resource unavailability’ journal should bealtered/modified, first the posting has to be revoked (which deletes the resourceassignment (of type ‘Unavailability’) and resource unavailability can bemodified (and afterwards ‘posted’ again).

Other points:
- New button 'Resource unavailability' has been added to GSR,to open the Resource unavailability form (filtered for current view point daterange)
- New button 'Resource unavailability' has been added to contextmenu of the resource ‘unavailability’ assignment (in both GPB gantt screens),to open the Resource unavailability form (filtered for current resource andcurrent unavailability)
- checkbox filter ‘Show unavailabilities’ was thus removedfrom GSR, was replaced by more feature rich filter ‘Resource unavailability’ (in dedicated filter section)
- unavailable resources are shown in different color inGSR (in level1), the color can be set up on the Reason codes (of the unavailabilityrecords)
- unavailableresource is highlighted in black in both in gantt screens (in level 2), and also in RS
- new validation when drag & drop resources fromRS to GSR/GST, when resource is not available (ie. new confirmation dialog)
- new conflict 159 ‘Resource – Dispatching of an unavailableresource’ was added, to inform dispatcher that unavailable resource is beingplanned
- new conflict 158 ‘Resource – Multiple usage of oneresource on overlapping tours’ was added, to inform dispatcher that oneresource is planned on more than one tour.

2022-10New feature91748
KNOWN ISSUE: Licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' should be activated, for proper operation of xServer2 processes

If licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' is not activated, then the xServer2 processes do not provide reliable results, as the vehicle technical data (eg. lenght, width, height, number of axles etc.) and speed profile data are not submitted to xServer2. On the frontend, users could experience for example unprecise results of driving distance & time calculation, unreliable tour visualization etc.

2022-10Known issue92292
Dispatching and confirmation
New default parameter 'Find and update existing tours' in main Transport parameters (in 'Dispatching' section)

Previously, the option 'Find and update existing tours' was always pre-activated in 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' dialog, which was quite limiting - especially for shipment builder order (and leg) creation process (which can use the same 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' feature). Following enhancement was therefore introduced:
- New default parameter 'Find and update existing tours' was added to main Transport parameters, which defines the initial value of the 'Find and update existing tours' parameter in the 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' dialog.

2022-10New feature91413
Dispatching and confirmationMultiple column sorting setup is now possible on the 'Template OS configuration', which is then applied in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen2022-10New feature89523
Dispatching and confirmation
Show complete address info in the tour stop overview, in GPB gantt screens

Previously, only a limited address information was shown in the tour stop overview (aka. in level 3) in the GPB gantt screens. This task introduces a possibility to show more address details (incl. the street name & street number) in the GPB gantt screens.

Key points:
- new parameter 'Show street details' in the GPB parameters. If activated, then tour stop (in GPB gantt screens, in level 3) shows complete address details, in the format of the respective country.

2022-10New feature91584
Dispatching and confirmation
Visualization of failed pickup/delivery in GPB

Previously, in GPB, there was no visualization of failed pickup/delivery on the tour. This was enhanced, following improvements were introduced:
- New dedicated "Failed pickup" & "Failed delivery" filters in the filtering section of both GPB gantt screens
- Tour stops (with failed pickup/delivery) now show a modified icon, to signify that failed pickup/delivery happened on the tour stop
- Information about failed pickup/delivery is newly shown also on the order details collapsible section, per tour stop in both GPB gantt screens

2022-10New feature91754
Dispatching and confirmation
Printing of tour report was possible only when some email template was specified

Previously, an email template had to be specified when printing a tour report (even when printing the tour report just onto the screen). The issue was corrected and the email template is only an optional parameter now.

Dispatching and confirmation
Resource assignment dates were previously not updated after some dispatcher actions

The issue was especially happening when tour start was manually changed in the 'Dispatch light - Tours' form.

Dispatching and confirmationRules rough scheduling' were previously not taken into account in rough scheduling (for rough date calculation of transport legs)2022-10Bug91863
Dispatching and confirmationVisualization of multiple tours in the GPB Map screen was sometimes not working if map screen was closed/re-opened2022-10Bug91941
Dispatching and confirmation
Customer wished loading/unloading times were sometimes not shown in the tour stop overview (aka. level 3) in both Gantt screens

The issue was especially happening when loading/unloading was planned on different date, than the original customer wished date. Then the customer wished times were sometimes not shown (ie. were shown as 00:00).

Dispatching and confirmationGPB Map screen (when opened from other GPB screens) was sometimes opened with poor focus on the desired map segment (with transport legs/tours) and had to be shifted & zoomed in or zoomed out2022-10Bug92334
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature Resource effectiveness

Previously, a truck/trailer resources were either active orinactive (managed by ‘Active’ flag on the vehicle table) and driver resources wereeven active immediately. This was quite rigid and limiting, as it for example didn’tsupport enlisting the resources upfront (and making them active only in thefuture date) and delisting the resource for certain date (or even date period).Hence it was redesigned in this task.

Newly, the ‘Active’ flag on the vehicle table is replacedby so called resource effectiveness. The resource effectiveness is set up onthe resource table, by new dedicated fields ‘Effective from’ & ‘Effectivetill’, regardless whether the resource is driver or truck/trailer. For the timebeing the resource effectiveness can be set only manually. Such specifiedresource effectiveness is then respected through out the TMS module (as well inGPB).

Other points:
- Only drivers (which are employed) are shown in theconcerned period in the GPB Resources screen and in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen
- New conflict 157 ‘Resource – Dispatching of an ineffectiveresource’ was added, to inform dispatcher that ineffective resource is beingplanned
- Resource effectiveness is also shown in dedicated box in GPB Resources screen (in lower screen section, in tab 'Overview')
- Copying of resource (and also the vehicle copying) was adjusted, to exclude the effectiveness setup (so the effectiveness has to be set up on the copied resource/vehicle

Please note:
- The resource effectiveness can be also set/maintained directlyin the vehicle table (if vehicle record is already linked to some resource).

2022-10New feature52916
Dispatching and confirmation
Never ending 'loading wheel' icon in the GPB Resource screen

The issue was happening especially when GPB Resource screen was set to 'Manual date' mode. Then the 'loading wheel' icon was sometimes shown even when all details were already loaded on the screen.

Dispatching and confirmation
Planned activity duration is initialized already before tour release (performance improvement of 'Release for departure' process)

Previously, before tour was released to departure, the activity durations in Tour confirmation form appeared as zero ("Confirmed end" was the same as "Confirmed start" and "Duration" was 00:00), even though the planned duration was actually still taken into account in the activity scheduling. Historically, in the past it was not possible to open Tour confirmation before tour was released (therefore there was no issue), but this was changed several releases ago, to support pre-loading and other preparation activities before the truck departs. The activity duration was calculated during release for departure process, which made a process fairly performance demanding (especially for tours with high amount of orders/tours stops, with possibly several hundreds activities).
This task introduces an enhancement that activity duration (and other confirmation values) are initialized (and also updated) already when the underlying records (tour stop, activity) are created / updated. Hence all 'to be' confirmed values are already in place in tour confirmation form, even for pre-loading and other preparation activities (ie. before the truck departs).
This also lifts the creation & update mechanism from the release for department process, thus making the process faster.

2022-10New feature88356
Driver AppWaiting activity description (as registered by driver) was not respected, driver app further displayed only generic system activity description (as specified in the D365 master data backend)2022-10Bug91566
Driver App
Error "zip: not a valid zip file" in mobile app middleware when reading data from D365

The issue was introduced in some early version of Microsoft update package 10.0.29, was corrected in platform version 7.0.6545.58.

Please note:
- Microsoft update packages for 10.0.29 version with lower platform version than 7.0.6545.58 should not be used.
- Microsoft update packages for 10.0.30 version with lower platform version than 7.0.6592.33 should not be used.

Driver AppDuplicated title of 'Mobile app parameters', when D365 browser window was refreshed2022-10Bug91861
Driver AppAdjusting a form title 'Mobile app reason code', to better describe its purpose (form had previously title of 'Driver app reason code')2022-10New feature91589
Driver App
Mobile app tour clean up - enhance stability by limiting the request rate/size (not trying to delete all tours from middleware in one request)

When testing with larger volumes and tours (tours with hundreds of activities, cleaning up dozens of tours at a time) it was noticed that the load on the middleware database grows too big and requests even can start failing.

Therefore the TAL part was redesigned, to not request the middleware to "delete 100 tours" but instead do request the deletion of one tour at a time (and introduce some waiting time delay between each call). For now the waiting time is set to 0.5sec per each tour deletion call. The waiting time delay is hard coded, but can be changed via custom extension.
With such approach it is still possible to clean up around 7000 tours per hour, with normal middleware load.

2022-10New feature90618
Duration of tour activities is newly reflected in tour sequence optimization algorithm

Previously, the tour sequence optimization algorithm was not the reflecting the duration of tour activities (it was only respecting the driving time), thus the optimization result might not have been entirely reliable (which was especially noticeable when tour contained some long tour activities). This was enhanced in this task and tour activity duration is now also submitted to tour sequence optimization, to achieve more reliable optimization result.

2022-10New feature90449
KNOWN ISSUE: Transport address geo-coding: No selection dialog appearing in special case if geocoding not successful)

The geo-coding of addresses can be launched from several places, mostly from the main/core address (D365 standard address) and from the CAPcargo transport address extension. From the latter (CAPcargo transport address) the following scenario is not working:
Geocoding of an address which does not have a unique/clear match from the map. Then it is supposed to show the selection screen to chose the right address. This selection screen is not appearing, instead only a message "geo-coding failed" appears. - Work-around: use the button "edit address" and geo-code from there.
(If the address can be successfully geo-coded, there is no problem with the CAPcargo transport address function)

2022-10Known issue92349
Improvement of transport address geo-coding validation, to adapt to new xServer2 features

In the previous functionality (and even today, when xServer1 is used), the address geo-coding was performed against PTV xServer directly (ie. without any intermediate step). When the exact match was found, then the address and geo-coordinates were saved. In case the exact match was not found (but PTV xServer was able to find one 'similar' address), then the user had to further decide next step in a simple dialog.

In the new functionality (when xServer2 is used), the address geo-coding opens a new form, where all results from PTV are shown, together with its total matching score (ie. how precise the PTV address matches the user entered address). It is also possible to see exact matching scores for individual address components (ie. for country, city, street name etc.) and it is possible to immediately visualize each proposed address on the PTV map. User then decides which PTV address shall be used (eg. typically the one with highest total score) and can finish the entry via two buttons:
- button 'OK - adjust address' - address details (as proposed by PTV) are used/saved, together with PTV geo-coordinates. Here the original address details (as originally typed in by user) are overwritten/corrected by PTV address details.
- button 'OK - only use geo-coordinates' - address details (as originally typed in by user) are used/saved, together with PTV geo-coordinates.

Please note:
- New form can be triggered from the wizard for creation of new transport address (button 'Validate' in step 'Postal address') or from the global address book (button 'Geo-coding' on the address details)
- Feature is only existing for PTV xServer2. If geo-coding is performed on application (that is set up with xServer1) then no new screen is triggered and address validation happens in the old way.

2022-10New feature89718
Prevent duplicates during importing of the attachments

New optional parameter 'Prevent duplicates' has been added to the 'Process imported attachments' periodic task.
When parameter is activated, then the receiving attachments will overwrite the already existing attachment (of the same type & name, for the same linked order).
When parameter is not activated, then the name of the receiving attachment is altered, to avoid the overwrite of the existing attachment (of the same type & name, for the same linked order).

2022-10New feature91623
Data entities for contract group and contract group lines

New data entities are introduced for the contract group and contract group line tables.

Technical names:
- CIRTRAContractGroup
- CIRTRAContractGroupLine

2022-10New feature91327
New periodic task for cleaning up historical Track & Trace status messages

Periodic task name is ''Clean up T.T. status messages' and can be used for mass cleaning up Track & Trace status messages that are not in status 'In progress'

2022-10New feature89204
Wrong infolog label 'tady', during EDI, when imported transport order has some packages

The infolog was removed, as it had no functional logic.

IntegrationsWhen related 'Checked imported order' was deleted, the status of 'Imported transport order' was previously not set back to 'Imported'2022-10Bug87896
IntegrationsTotal amount freight' and 'Total amount surcharges' fields were added to the 'TAL Transport order' data entity (only for export)2022-10New feature92023
Improved logging in the EDI process

Previously, in certain situations, the EDI process could report some warning infologs (eg. when package could not be created) that were just shown on the screen (but not stored anywhere). This was enhanced, by introducing a new status in 'Check status' and introducing a new dedicated process logging mechanism.

Solution key points:
- New status 'Done with issues' in the 'Check status' in 'Checked imported order' form - to distinguish when the record was processed flawlessly (gets status 'Done') or was processed but some issues (gets status 'Done with issues')
- New 'Processing log' form was added to the 'Checked imported order' to store the issues that were encountered when processing the imported transport orders

2022-10New feature92025
New periodic task 'Validate checked orders' was added

New periodic task 'Validate checked orders' enables to set up a scheduled task, to perform an automated 'error validation' of the 'Checked imported orders' in the EDI.

2022-10New feature92027
Master dataDeletion of tariff zone was previously possible, even though the tariff zone was used as criteria on some contract relation2022-10Bug89026
Master data
"Field 'Reason code' must be filled in." error during synchronization of 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups'

The error was appearing due to incomplete data, as previously the 'Reason code' was not mandatory for 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups'. The issue was corrected by declaring 'Reason code' as mandatory, and providing a data migration task to correct the existing data.

Master data
Improvement of several customer/vendor related lookups, to automatically filter a customer/vendor relation, while typing

Following customer/vendor related lookups were enhanced:
- Customer/vendor lookup on the contract
- Vendor lookup on the vehicle
- Vendor lookup on the route/zone vendor assignment

So when user types for example "cus", then all customers (or vendors, depending on lookup type) starting with "Cus" are shown. Customer/vendor name is used as filtering criteria, even though the effective relation is then set on the customer/vendor account id.

2022-10New feature86929
Master data
Improve setup consistency of grouping menu items in the General CAP Transport module

To improve the setup consistency an usability of all grouping menu items in CAP Transport module, main menu "CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Grouping" now contains all menu items that are related to setup and management of transportation 'groups'.

2022-10New feature91334
Master data
Enhancement of the 'Contract price mass update' periodic task

The contract mass price update wizard was extended to enable pricing teams to copy contract versions and expire old contract versions and apply rate increase by groups of contracts.

2022-10New feature91130
Other / General
Data migration task - to populate the 'Load creation policy' parameter on the 'Modes of delivery'

Data migration task for 91714.

Data migration task sets the 'Load creation policy' parameter on the 'Modes of delivery' according to the setup in the Warehouse management parameters or Transportation management parameters. If the auto load creation is either switched on in the WHS main parameters or in the TMS main parameters then 'Load creation policy' is set to 'Load per load line' on all mode of deliveries. Otherwise, is set to 'No load line'.

2022-10Data conversion92043
Other / General
Data migration task - to delete 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups' records that have no 'Reason code' specified

Data migration task for 90630.

Data migration task removes 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups' records that have no 'Reason code' specified. If these 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups' are further required - they will need to be manually recreated, with proper 'Reason code'.

2022-10Data conversion90632
Other / General
KNOWN ISSUE: Feature "Streamlined employee entry" should not be used (this feature is auto-enabled in Microsoft update 10.0.30)

Feature 'Streamlined employee entry' introduces a completely new version of "Workers" form.
This feature has been published by Microsoft in February 2022, and is enabled by default in Microsoft update 10.0.30.

This new form doesn´t yet have the CAPcargo extensions that are existing in the original Workers form. Therefore CAPcargo menu items and fields aren´t available on Workers form, if this feature is enabled.

The feature should be disabled for now after updating to MS update 10.0.30.
CAPcargo will implement the needed extensions in the new form in 10.0-CAP30.0 release only.

2022-10Known issue92332
Shipment Builder
Improved management of automated load creation

Automated load creation was possible already before (via warehouse configuration) but for the transportation purposes the solution was too rigid. This task introduces a possibility to set up automatic load creations in more detailed way.

Key points:
- New parameter 'Load creation policy' on the 'Modes of delivery'. With following values:
- Group load lines (load lines of the order lines are grouped into the same load if adding load lines to the load is still allowed)
- Load per load line (separate load is generated per load line / order line)
- No load line (no load line and load are created)
- New parameter 'Load creation policy' in the 'Trade and Distribution parameters' - to serve as a fallback when no 'Mode of delivery' is specified

- The new parameter is only considered at order line entry. If the mode of delivery is changed after the order line is saved, the system doesn’t update the load and load line automatically. It needs to be done manually or the order line has to be recreated with the new mode of delivery.

2022-10New feature91714
Shipment BuilderAdding a coverage of GPB and Mobile apps, for previously released feature 90464 (Enhancement of container type mapping & instruction activity rules)2022-10New feature90864
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
'Tour sub-contracting order (FTL)' SSRS report was sometimes containing wrong values

The issue was especially happening when 'Tour sub-contracting order (FTL)' was calculated with two (or more) tariff units.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Enhancement of the Tour sub-contracting order (FTL) SSRS report

Several enhancements were done, to improve the structure (and content) of the SSRS report

2022-10New feature91167
(HOTFIX 10.0-CAP29.1) Transport address geo-coding: No selection dialog appearing in special case if geocoding is not successful

The manual geo-coding of addresses can be launched from several places, mostly from the main/core address (D365 standard global address book) and from the CAPcargo transport address extension. From the latter (ie. CAPcargo transport address) the following scenario was fixed:
At geo-coding of an address which does not have a unique/clear match from the map, the selection screen to choose the right address was not appearing; instead only a message "geo-coding failed" appears.

(HOTFIX 10.0-CAP29.1) CRITICAL BUG: Geo-coding issues with longitude/latitude

Critical bug, which can cause harm, since longitude/latitude values can be wrong after geo-coding. I.e. at the following processes since R29 the geo-coding mixed up the x and y coordinates and hence locates an address wrongly:
- Batch geo-coding
- Manual geo-coding from transport address
- (Geo-coding within a time/distance calculation or sequence optimization process, and also manual geo-coding from global address book works correctly)

This issue applies for PTV xServer 2 and PTV xServer 1.

CAPcargo recommends to replace release CAP 29.0 by release CAP 29.1.

(HOTFIX 10.0-CAP29.1) Global address book composed address field (multi-line) not properly updated after geo-coding

If the geo-coding suggest a differing address due to a not unique hit result, and the user chooses one of the proposed results, the corrected address can be written back to the address master data. This works correctly, except of the auto-composed multi-line field 'address' which is not correctly updated at that very moment of geo-coding. However, in the course of further processes, this field ill be properly adjusted, however, for the user it is still very confusing at geo-coding.

This issue exists since CAP 29.0 and was fixed in CAP 29.1.
