Customer invoicing | Manually added invoice surcharge was initialized as 'Percent' even thought its surcharge type was set up as 'Amount' | 2022-08 | Bug | 91063 |
Customer invoicing | Invoice surcharge posted but not printed on invoice (dataprovider)Invoice surcharges were previously not included in the SSRS dataprovider for the transport invoice (TALCustInvoice).
Invoice surcharges are now included in the report dataprovider. This means for customers who are using external reporting tools or own report designs now have the data available to show the invoice surcharge values. The standard SSRS invoice report template TALCustInvoice will be adjusted in a successor release.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 91171 |
Customer order management and pricing | Periodic task for create transport order from default order should not terminate if some default order processing fails | 2022-08 | Bug | 89682 |
Customer order management and pricing | Creation of transport order line even when transport order was fully confirmedThe issue was especially happening when "Automatic package creation" was deactivated on the transport type.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90773 |
Customer order management and pricing | Split location' lookup on transport order header was enhanced for easier specification of Part-invoice split cases (lookup now have up to 4 tabs) | 2022-08 | New feature | 87485 |
Customer order management and pricing | New periodic task was added: Confirm without dispatchingFeature allows to set up a periodic task for direct confirmation of transport orders (ie. confirmation without dispatching)
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90500 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Dangerous goods visualization in GPBFollowing improvements were added to GPB, to support better planning of transport legs with dangerous goods:
- In GPB 'Transport orders /-legs screen':
- New column 'ADR points'
- New dangerous goods info section in the leg point overview (lower section, on the right side, in tab 'Overview')
- In GPB gantt screens:
- Dangerous goods icon in the tour overview (ie. in level 1) and in the tour stop overview (ie. on level 3), incl. showing ADR points in 'hover the mouse over' tooltip
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90354 |
Dispatching and confirmation | New button 'GPB - Resource Dispatching' has been added to the transport order formButton loads (and highlights) all related resource legs of a single selected transport order in GPB Resource Dispatching screen. Not related tours can be shown (or hidden) depending on a new filter 'Show all resources". All tours – highlighted or not highlighted – can still be selected, changed etc. (ie. the highlighted tours are not anyhow “locked” etc.)
This allows to get a complete overview of resources that participate on the transport order, regardless of amount of the tours.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90819 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Tour sequence optimization could lead to situations where customer wished date & time was not respectedPreviously, when customer wished dates & times were specified on the order (and order was loaded on the first tour stop (ie. on tour start)) then previously sequence optimization was using not only customer wished date & time but also address opening hours. This could lead to behaviour where sequence optimization was finding some more optimal result, without fulfilling the customer wished date & time (as only address opening hours were respected). To avoid such behaviour, the sequence optimization interface was adjusted, to only contain customer wished load dates & times (and not address opening hours), if the customer wished load date & time is specified.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 91268 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Correction of several issues in the area of default toursFollowing issues were corrected, in the area of default tours:
- Tours could not be generated from default tours, when some "non-transport" address was used as default tour start or end
- Wrong sequence could be achieved on default tour template (SUB stop could get after END stop)
- Missing default tour header auto-refresh, after some change was done on the default tour line
| 2022-08 | Bug | 89170 |
Dispatching and confirmation | New status icons in the GPB 'Resources' screen, to show whether the truck resource is participating on some resource combinationNew status icons were introduced to GPB 'Resources' screen (directly to individual truck resource boxes), to show whether the truck resource is standalone or is part of some resource combination (eg. fixed combination, mid-term driver plan or operational trailer dispatching).
(Previously, the resource combination was only noticeable when dragging a truck resource from GPB 'Resources' to gantt screens, which was not so convenient, as dispatchers had to start dragging the truck resource, to be able to see whether the truck was standalone or in some combination).
| 2022-08 | New feature | 86509 |
Dispatching and confirmation | When tour is created via 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone", then the transport type (of transport order) is newly inherited to the tourPreviously, the transport type (from main TMS parameters) was applied.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90075 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Work instruction enhancementsFollowing enhancements were introduced in the area of work instructions:
- New criteria 'Valid for transport type' has been added to the work instruction templates (that are stored on the transport address), allowing to setup work instruction temples only for specific transport type (or specific transport type group).
- New criteria 'Load/Unload' has been added to the work instruction templates (that are stored on the transport address),allowing to setup work instruction temples only when transport address is used for loading (or for unloading).
- Mass update: The work instruction feature was previously only available on the sales/purchase/transfer order line. Adding new work instruction, deleting/updating existing work instruction means that the user had to open the work instruction form order line by order line and do the necessary changes repeatedly for all order lines. In order to enable the user to do the maintenance in less steps, a new form was introduced for the sales/purchase/transfer orders.
- Further more, the layout of the work instruction forms was reorganized, to avoid the duplicate showing of some fields.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90337 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Tour sequence optimization newly respects also truck attributes | 2022-08 | New feature | 87612 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Ensure that start & end tour stops have some activitiesPreviously, it could happen that tours were created without activities for tour start or for tour end. Such tours were mostly created from default tour templates, but there were also other ways. This could lead into several issues throughout the TMS module, as many processes (eg. mobile apps etc.) expect such activities to be in place. Tour creation mechanism was therefore enhanced, to avoid such situations.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 86809 |
Dispatching and confirmation | 'Release for departure' of multiple selected tours in GPB gantt screens in certain cases failed to finishWhen launching 'Release for departure' for more selected tours in the GPB gantt screens, then the processing sometimes didn't finish (and users were getting only never ending 'loading wheel' icon). The issue was especially encountered when 'Print Unloading list at tour release' was activated on the transport type. The issue was corrected.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90447 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Tour refresh issue (aka. never ending 'loading wheel' icon on the tour), after manual ETA was registered on some tour stopThe issue was especially happening when tours were created out of multiple selected transport legs (from the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen).
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90483 |
Dispatching and confirmation | In GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, when performing 'Set tour status back to Dispatching' on multiple selected tours, this could previously lead to data loading issue (and users could encounter never ending 'loading wheel' icon) | 2022-08 | Bug | 90726 |
Dispatching and confirmation | In GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, the calculated driving time & distance of a tour was sometimes not shown correctly in level 2 (ie. when resource overview was expanded) | 2022-08 | Bug | 90746 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Activities with ActionType=None, that are defined on transport address, were previously not applied to tour stops | 2022-08 | Bug | 90828 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Wrong transport leg type after removal of depot splitPreviously, when removing a depot split from transport legs, it could sometimes happen that the transport leg classification was changed by system, even though there was obvious reason for it. Users could experience for example the 'No dispatching' and 'Sender delivery' flags being wrongly set.
The issue was was corrected.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90950 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Resetting transport leg grid filtering/grouping to default, after 'Dispatch in tour' was usedPreviously, on 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form, it could happen that user specified grid filtering/grouping was lost (ie. reset to default) after 'Dispatch in tour' was used. The issue was corrected user specified grid filtering/grouping is now preserved even after 'Dispatch in tour' is used.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 91059 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Duplicated launch of driving time & distance calculation in some parameterization constellationWhen main transport parameters 'Tour distance/time calculation in real-time' and 'Tour sequence optimization in real-time' were both activated, the driving time & distance calculation was then sometimes launched twice. This did not lead into wrong data but was just performance consuming. The issue was corrected and driving time & distance calculation duplicated launch is now avoided.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90591 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Tour sequence optimization could previously fail, if tour was spread over several dates | 2022-08 | Bug | 90645 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Tour stop work instructions (which were created from work instruction template on transport address) were previously not actualized after the tour stop address was changed | 2022-08 | Bug | 90666 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Newly created tour was not starting at midnight, even though user specifically selected itPreviously, when creating new tour manually, the tour was created with default start time (from main transport parameters) even though user specifically set the tour to start at midnight (ie. at 00:00). The issue was corrected and user's tour start specification is newly respected.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90692 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Failed delivery didn't reuse the existing tour stop for returning the goods to depotWhen 'Failed delivery' is reported, the driver must bring the goods back to depot (or to some other address determined by the 'Failed delivery' parameterization). The issue was that the 'Failed delivery' logic didn't reuse the existing tour stop (but always created a new one). The issue is corrected and the 'Failed delivery' newly re-uses the previously existing tour stop (whenever possible).
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90425 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Redesign Truck Cleaning based on dummy carrying resource assignments (ULD)The previous logic of having dummy records in TALuldTransactionTable for the better calculation of cleaning needs was based on performance ideas, but turns out to be disturbing for all other processes which depend on the ULD transactions. These "Auto-allocated" ULD transactions are not "real" carrying resource assignments (though being stored in the same TALuldTransactionTable), hence they were moved into a separate table. The cleaning logic reads them from new dedicated table almost in the same performance, as in previous release.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 84787 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Attachments of transport address work instructions were sometimes not shown on transport order work instructions (and also in GPB, and in mobile apps) | 2022-08 | Bug | 91110 |
Dispatching and confirmation | Two issues were corrected in the area of tour sequence optimizationFollowing issues were corrected in the the area of tour sequence optimization:
- Improvement of tour sequence optimization warning & error infologs, to provide more details about address where some issue was encountered. For comparison: previously sequence optimization reported for example just "Address is closed!", and it was not understandable which address was was closed.
- 'Non-transport addresses' are newly considered as nonstop open (ie. 24/7), as no business hours specification is possible. For comparison: previously such addresses were wrongly treated as "never open", thus leading into "Address is closed!" infologs.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 91150 |
Driver App | Instruction activity rules were previously applied in the failed delivery processWhen failed delivery is registered, then the 'not-delivered' goods are 'loaded back to the truck" on the same tour stop (even though the goods were mostly not even physically unloaded in the reality), ie. a new load leg is added to this tour stop. The issue was that such new loading leg creation was also triggering the creation of new instruction activities (depending on the instruction activity rule setup). The issue was corrected and the new load leg creation (via failed delivery) doesn't trigger anymore the instruction activity rule check.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90441 |
Driver App | In driver app, when 'One load/unload per tour stop' is activated, then the quantity of return order pickups was wrongly included in the quantity of grouped Load activityPickup of return orders in mobile apps always requires to have a separate activity for them. So even if "one load/unload per tour stop" is used, separate activities are created for loading of the return orders. The issue was that the quantity of return order pickup was duplicated, once in the dedicated loading activity for return order pickup (which is correct), but was also included in the grouped loading activity (which was not correct).
| 2022-08 | Bug | 91427 |
Driver App | Newly registered 'Waiting' activity in the driver app could get sometimes placed after the "Depart" activityThe issue was especially happening when driver registered a new 'Waiting' activity on the partially confirmed tour (and the current tour stop had few activities that the previous). The issue was corrected and new activities are never positioned after the 'Depart' activity.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 91243 |
Driver App | When a tour stop with order was removed in D365, then the related load/unload activities were previously not removed on offset tour stop in the driver app | 2022-08 | Bug | 91303 |
Driver App | In certain mobile app parameterization, a new mobile app reason code was automatically created after creation of new transport addressThe issue was corrected and new mobile app reason code is created only when necessary (ie. when unplanned return order is registered in the mobile app).
CAPcargo will clean up the unnecessary reason codes from Mobile app middleware databases when updating the middleware to CTP3.5.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90613 |
Driver App | Improvement of reliability of barcode scanning (with camera based scanner) in the mobile appsCorrection of known issue 90733 of release 10.0-CAP27.0.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 90712 |
Driver App | Possibility to specify dangerous goods unit (and ADR point amount) when registering a new return order in the driver appEnables the registration of dangerous goods data in the driver app, during unplanned return order creation.
When the feature is switched on in mobile app parameters (by activation of 'Enable driver to enter ADR points' and specifying 'Dummy hazardous material' parameters), drivers can newly specify dangerous goods unit and amount of ADR points, when registering a new return order in the driver app.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90350 |
Driver App | Improving handling of attachments from the user in driver appPictures/photos attached by user in driver app should now consume less disk space in the mobile device. The improvement was achieved by applying image compression and avoiding the duplicated attachments (that were being created when using 'Skip all remaining activities' in the mobile app).
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90213 |
Driver App | Improvement of tour deletion process, when tour was already submitted to mobile appsThe tour deletion mechanism was enhanced, to better handle the cases when tour had been already submitted to mobile apps. In that case, when attempting to delete a tour, users are newly informed (that the tour was already submitted to mobile apps) and have to manually confirm the tour deletion, as the tour is then also withdrawn from mobile apps.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 85754 |
Driver App | Introducing a change management to previously released feature of 'Pre-loading' (D365 & driver app)When changing relevant information on the transport leg or on the tour stop (such as the date), the previously existing 'pre-loading' activities are newly re-calculated (via instruction activity rules), in order to respect their validity.
- For unplanned leg: Relevant date = rough scheduling date
- For planned leg: Relevant date = tour stop plan date (ie. detail scheduling date)
Please note:
Previously to this advanced activity configuration (ie. where rules like pre-loading are automatically initialized and applied), there was a more basic version of pre-loading flag initialization on the transport leg. This basic rule (default value of pre-loading flag defined on cross-docking rules) is replaced within this task by the new advanced instruction activity rule framework.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90771 |
Geo-services | Driving time/distance calculation with 2 new modes → Simple vs AdvancedA global parameter manages if time/distance calculation is executed in simple or advanced mode. The advanced mode can take around 50% longer than the simple mode, since it respects more details of the tour. This parameter is initialized to the tour and can be changed per tour.
Global parameter is placed in the main transport parameters:
'Transport Parameters' -> 'Geo services' -> 'Mode tour distance/time calculation'
Simple: Only ONE profile for entire tour, i.e. ONE maximum of loaded weight per tour, and most hazardous good on tour is considered for entire tour, ONE routing calculation with several stops.
Advanced: Individual profiles per tour segment/stop, respecting detailed tour course with individual weights and hazardous goods per tour segment/stop; routing calculation per tour segment aggregated to total tour.
Please note:
This parameter does not impact the sequence- and tour optimization directly, there always the total permitted weight of vehicle type is respected. – But after sequence- and tour optimization still time/distance calculation is run, which then respects the above parameter.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 91547 |
Geo-services | Deeper integration of PTV xServer2Several new features of PTV xServer2 were incorporated into transport module, to improve the existing dispatching processes and better support handling of larger tours (e.g. with 50+ tour stops).
Release 10.0-CAP29.0 was tested with PTV xServer 2.26 (which is thus recommended for general usage).
1) Usage of HPRN - several processes in transport module can newly benefit from HPRN feature of PTV xServer2 (aka. High Performing Routing Network). The idea of HPRN is to use a pre-calculated matrix of driving times & distances (for exact vehicle profile, further referred as DIMA), instead of 'on-the-fly' calculations in the PTV xServer (which are much more performance demanding). Once set up, the HPRN is then automatically used in tour sequence optimization process (and will be also used in the 'to be introduced' Optimizer module).
Prerequisite parameterization:
- Set HPRNId on vehicle type (which will be used to establishes a link between TMS vehicle type and vehicle profile of the HPRN/DIMA)
- Create HPRN (for certain vehicle type & area)
- 'Transport Parameters' -> 'Geo services' -> 'xServer parameter' -> 'Create HPRN'
- Setup xData service endpoint:
- 'Transport Parameters' -> 'Geo services' -> 'xServer parameter' -> 'xData endpoint'
Please note: the HPRN creation is quite performance demanding (due to huge amount records that needs to be pre-calculated) and can lead to higher loads of xServer. So should be carefully tested/observed before using it on productive installations.
2) Feature layers
- Per vehicle type: feature layers are activated on individual vehicle type (ie. 'Truck attributes'). Once activated, the feature layers will used for the vehicle type:
- 'Vehicle type' -> 'Setup' -> 'Geo service features'
- Truck attribute (was hardcoded in previous TMS versions, is now optional, via this parameter)
- General: feature layer 'Traffic incidents' contains information about temporary road closings (eg. constructions) as well as traffic information (traffic jams, accidents) and more. Activation of 'Traffic incidents' feature layer is done in main transport parameters:
- 'Transport Parameters' -> 'Geo services' -> 'xServer parameter' -> 'Use real time traffic data'
3) Only the parameterization of vehicle type is newly respected for xServer API. It is still possible to set up parameters directly on individual vehicle (eg. for evidence), but these are not anymore used in xServer API calls.
- Data migration jobs are provided:
- 'Truck attributes' are generated for all vehicle types
- Ensure that values have content on the needed fields on vehicle type (dimension/weight/emission class)
- Job reads from vehicles in case vehicle type fields are empty
For more information also read 91547 (Time/distance calculation with 2 new modes → Simple vs Advanced) and 91559 (Vehicle type: Total permitted weight)
| 2022-08 | New feature | 86841 |
Integrations | Enable the change of transport unit on the transport order line, via EDIPreviously, it was possible to only update (ie. change) a transport quantity, via transport order EDI. This task introduces also possibility to change the transport unit itself.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 88506 |
Master data | Vehicle type: Total permitted weightThe field “Total permitted weight” on vehicle type(used to be called 'Registered toll cost weight' and was only relevant for toll cost calculation) has become very important as it is used more prominently for tour sequence-/ tour optimization algorithms, but also for driving time/distance calculation respecting weight, truck attributes and hazardous goods.
Hence it's though important to have that field filled on all vehicle types.
Please note:
The truck attributes and weight information on the vehicle itself is not respected by the above mentioned processes, but only the values from the vehicle type.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 91559 |
Other / General | Support for Italian language has been added to TALThe Italian label file was just established and can be from now on getting populated.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 91162 |
Other / General | Data migration task - to activate the 'Truck attributes' feature layer on all vehicle typesData migration task for 86841.
Data migration task activates the 'Truck attributes' feature layer on all vehicle types, to provide the same experience for existing projects (as in previous TMS releases the truck attributes were always used).
| 2022-08 | Data conversion | 91348 |
Other / General | Data migration job - to preserve xServer parameterization after field/enum value changeData migration task for 86841.
Data migration migrates old 'PTV xServer [2.23]' parameter value to the new 'PTV xServer [2.x]' parameter value.
| 2022-08 | Data conversion | 91081 |
Other / General | CAPcargo license reports not working: "Unable to find the report design TALuserLicenseCountReport.TALuserLicenseReport"Following CAPcargo license reports were sometimes not working in customer environments - instead error message "Unable to find the report design TALuserLicenseCountReport.TALuserLicenseReport" was displayed.
- Named User License Counts
- User License Counts History
Step 13 of Chapter 2.3 of the CAPcargo solution installation instructions has been enhanced, instructing the user to add also "Reports" folder under CAPcargoTALConfiguration package to the source control after installing the CAPcargo solution.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 91097 |
Other / General | Data migration task - to migrate the auto-allocated and manual ULD transactions to the Assumed ULD transaction tableData migration task for 84787.
| 2022-08 | Data conversion | 84997 |
Shipment Builder | Action menuitems on the 'Product transportation status' form were not available for users (unless the user was assigned a 'system administrator' role)Following action menuitems (on the 'Product transportation status' form) were previously available only to users (with system administrator security role):
- Fix load date
- Fix delivery date
- Undo load date fixing
- Undo delivery date fixing
The issue was corrected and the menuitems do not require the 'system administrator' security role anymore.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 91386 |
Shipment Builder | 'CAPcargo scheduling information' tab (on the trade order lines) was sometimes showing some time values even though the trade order line was not yet included in some transport orderThe issue was especially happening when some new trade order (or new trade order line) was created after the 'CAPcargo scheduling information' tab has been opened on some previously planned order, then the time values of the previous record were sometimes shown. The issue was corrected and the 'CAPcargo scheduling information' tab now shows the values of current record only.
| 2022-08 | Bug | 89365 |
Shipment Builder | Enhancement of container type mapping & instruction activity rulesFollowing enhancements of container type mapping & instruction activity rules were introduced:
- The container type mapping is used to map container types of one legal entity with transport types / transport units of the same or a different legal entity.
- Pack by directive unit activated: In this case the transport type / transport unit combination is linked to a D365 unit of measure since the container created via a container build template activated for this option has also a D365 unit of measure as container type.
- Pack by directive unit deactivated: In this case the transport type / transport unit combination is linked to a container type.
- One load/unload activity per transport order line: if this activity type is setup for a specific transport type / transport unit combination only one single load/unload activity gets created per same transport order line.In case of using packages, the user only needs to scan one barcode to confirm all packages linked to this activity.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90464 |
Shipment Builder | Support for hazardous material in shipment builderPreviously, the CAPcargo integration to standard D365 functionality – shipment builder –ignored the hazardous material feature on the released product. Hence the existing fields on the transport order line (and on the CAPcargo package) were not filled with dangerous goods information when the transport order was generated from sales/purchase/transfer order.
This enhancement adds the support for the hazardous material feature into shipment builder. Therefore, if the setup is done in the related configuration tables, then at the creation of transport order, the ADR points are calculated based on the content of the transport order.
| 2022-08 | New feature | 90352 |
Truck loading App | KNOWN ISSUE: Truck loading app version CTP3.3 (that was released with TMS 10.0-CAP26.0 release) is not working optimally with current release, hence it is recommended to use with this release rather Truck loading app CTP3.2If a newer version of the app has already been installed in the device, following steps should be done before installing CTP 3.2:
- Clear app cache & data
- Uninstall the app
| 2022-08 | Known issue | 91591 |
Dispatching and confirmation | KNOWN ISSUE: Licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' should be activated, for proper operation of xServer2 processesIf licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' is not activated, then the xServer2 processes do not provide reliable results, as the vehicle technical data (eg. length, width, height, number of axles etc.) and speed profile data are not submitted to xServer2. On the frontend, users could experience for example inaccurate results of driving distance & time calculation, unreliable tour visualization etc.
| 2022-08 | Known issue | 92291 |